Handcrafted Unique Pieces to Display in your Home or Business

Each time you walk into your home you are faced with that empty spot that is begging for just the right piece of furniture. It is a little oddly shaped and in an awkward place. You have been to every store in town searching for the right piece, but to no avail. There is no need to let frustration get the best of you; Quality has expert craftsmen that are able to create whatever you have in mind. Custom furniture does not have to be an expensive and hectic experience. If you are planning in updating the look of your home and need some custom furniture to go along with the renovations we can help. If you can describe it, we can sit together and draw it up. The dimensions will perfectly fit that little empty spot. Once we have a drawing of the design that you want, you will have the opportunity to select the wood, color, style, fabrics, leather and any extras that will complete the piece. Quality takes pride in creating beautiful custom furnishings that finish any room to perfection. Designing a custom piece of furniture to complete or be a focal point is a labor of love and Quality takes pride in every creation that we build.

Furniture Refinishing
Unparalleled Craftsmanship in Wood Restoration

Quality Decorating & Design provides our clients with unparalleled craftsmanship and quality service in wood restoration. We have been reviving old wood; eliminating all the scratches and stains on your table tops and wooden cabinets for decades. Our refinishing process involves stripping the wood down to its original state. You have the option of match the original color or choose a lighter or darker shade. The entire refinishing process – stripping, staining, and finishing are done at our shop so you don’t have to deal with the inconvenience and fumes in your home or business. We are experienced in wood furniture, antiques, cabinetry, woodwork, wood refinishing, furniture refinishing, wood cabinets refinishing, old wood finishing and much more.